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Witness accomplished professionals scaling your idea from concepts to revenue. Conducting an audit to ensure your website performs swiftly, appears intuitive, and is visually appealing.
is a

A website audit is a comprehensive review of elements impacting a website's effectiveness.

It involves identifying errors, analyzing competitors, discovering keywords, and developing an improvement strategy.

What problems does an audit address?

We'll scale the team based on your requirements.
High bounce rate
Bad ranking on Google slower
Low conversion rate
Security issues
Slow page speed

Varieties of audit

Security audit
Our team utilizes security audit tools to meticulously analyze all aspects. The audit includes detecting website clones, optimizing the robots.txt file, checking HTTPS certificates, and verifying CAPTCHA implementation.
SEO audit
Numerous strategies can enhance the speed and effectiveness of your site, such as addressing issues related to image optimization, JS/CSS aggregation, implementing caching, and more.
Code review
This entails assessing internal linking, keyword optimization, user-friendly URLs, unique and relevant meta tags, ALT text for images, and more. The review also encompasses checking the sitemap, robots.txt, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console.
UX/UI audit
Elevate your customers' digital experiences with flawless UX/UI. A comprehensive UX/UI audit assesses the convenience of your site for customers, and it may include a website accessibility audit in this phase.
Competitor audit
An insightful competitor analysis can be invaluable for enhancing your website. This involves analyzing competitors' backlink profiles, rankings, and content.
Page speed optimization
Clean code enhances the maintainability and editability of your website, making it open to future modifications. A crucial aspect of code review includes fixing console errors, addressing reported JavaScript errors in the Console.

How to do a website audit? That’s how our team does it:

Launching the app
Website architecture analysis
Technical check
Code review
Performance audit
Setting testing tools
Analytics audit
UI/UX audit
SEO optimization audit
Analyzing competitors
Business logic test
Creating a fixes checklist